تقيم الإدارة العامة للشؤون الزراعية في منطقة المدينة المنورة مهرجان العسل وتربية النحل في منطقة الفقرة، وذلك بحضور المهندس صالح اللحيدان مدير الإدارة العامة للشؤون الزراعية في المنطقة وعدد كبير من رؤساء الدوائر الحكومية والمزارعين في المنطقة والمناطق المجاورة الموافق غداً الثلاثاء. ويهدف المهرجان إلى التعرف على سلوكيات النحل وطرق تربيته بالأساليب الحديثة من خلال المحاضرات التي يلقيها عدد من المتخصصين في تربية النحل، وتوعية المهتمين بالمناحل على كيفية التعامل مع هذا المخلوق العجيب والاستفادة من هذه الثروة الوطنية.
أوضح ذلك المهندس عايد عبدالرحمن العمري مدير فرع الإدارة العامة للشؤون الزراعية بالفقرة، وحث المواطنين والمهتمين بالنحل في المنطقة بالحضور للمهرجان ليستفيدوا من تلك الندوات والمحاضرات التي بالشك أنها ستفيدهم إنتاجهم وخاصة أن المنطقة حباها الله بالربيع وكثرة الزهور بها ، واشتهرت منذ القدم في تربية النجل ومازال أهلها يمارسون تلك المهنة المتوارثة في منطقة الفقرة، ويعد عسل الفقرة من أجود وأشهر أنواع العسل في العالم.
Saudi Arabia / festival honey and bee-keeping in the Al-feqrah .. Tomorrow
Establish the General Administration of Agricultural Affairs in the Medina Festival of honey and bee-keeping in the paragraph, in the presence of Engineer Saleh al-Luhaidan, manager of agricultural affairs in the region and a large number of heads of government departments and farmers in the region and neighboring regions, corresponding to on Tuesday. The festival aims to identify the behavior of bees and ways of nurturing modern techniques through lectures by specialists in a number of beekeeping and educating interested Mounahal on how to deal with this strange creature, and take advantage of this national wealth. Explained by the engineer Ayed Abdul Rahman age Branch Manager of General Department of Agricultural Affairs of the paragraph, and urged the public and those interested in bees in the region to attend the festival to benefit from these seminars, and lectures of uncertainty it benefit them their production, particularly that the region is endowed with Daisy and many flowers, and known since antiquity in the education of son, and still people practicing the profession in the traditional paragraph and paragraph of the honey is the finest and most popular types of honey in the world. Electronic translation by Google
Establish the General Administration of Agricultural Affairs in the Medina Festival of honey and bee-keeping in the paragraph, in the presence of Engineer Saleh al-Luhaidan, manager of agricultural affairs in the region and a large number of heads of government departments and farmers in the region and neighboring regions, corresponding to on Tuesday. The festival aims to identify the behavior of bees and ways of nurturing modern techniques through lectures by specialists in a number of beekeeping and educating interested Mounahal on how to deal with this strange creature, and take advantage of this national wealth. Explained by the engineer Ayed Abdul Rahman age Branch Manager of General Department of Agricultural Affairs of the paragraph, and urged the public and those interested in bees in the region to attend the festival to benefit from these seminars, and lectures of uncertainty it benefit them their production, particularly that the region is endowed with Daisy and many flowers, and known since antiquity in the education of son, and still people practicing the profession in the traditional paragraph and paragraph of the honey is the finest and most popular types of honey in the world. Electronic translation by Google
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